Susie was a busy farm wife with a large family from Verdi, Minnesota. Back in the 1970's she developed an interest in lilies and the North Star Lily Society gained an enthusiastic, active member. She helped organize and host an NSLS meeting in Pipestone and was active on many commitees. She enjoyed entering her stems in our shows and they garnered many ribbons. She also enjoyed dabbing lilies and her efforts brought success. She registered one named L. 'Pipestone Giant.' We're lucky that Susie's good friend, Lilian Maroushek, was able to share a bulb with NSLS several years ago. After a couple of bouts with bunnies, we are looking forward to seeing 'Pipestone Giant' in bloom at Arneson Acres Gardens.
Susie was also a poet. Several of her rhymes were published in North Star Lily News. Here is a favorite:
"My Garden"
Here in my garden
I hope and I hoe.
Do I want lilies
in beds or in rows?
Today I want sunshine
Tomorrow the rain.
I need both of them
Or my work's all in vain.
And deep in my bosom
Each plant brings me thrills.
There's joy in my garden
That nothing else fills.
Photos are the property of the North Star Lily Society